
I did a talk for Nordic Model Now, and was sick after.

This is unusual for me, for I am normally too detached from own words to heard them in my soul.

But yesterday, it went deep inside me – maybe this is progress.

I speak out as a warning that we must changed.

I feel like screaming, I want to all the prostituted to know freedom and dignity.

There has huge changes in attitudes, in laws and in awareness.

But so many of the prostituted are being left behind.

We are living in a times where the lies and propaganda of the sex work lobby is controlling how we speak to prostitution.

This is the language of silencing and censoring, this is the language of power and control.

The sex work lobby say what we are allowed to say, how we say it – and most important it controls what is not spoken about.

The main focus is never to explore, discuss or speak out about what is done to the prostituted.

We cannot speak to what punters/johns do the prostituted, what they expect from the sexual goods they will consume.

To stop this, it is vital to silence or ridicule the multiple voices of exited women – silence those damned whistleblowers.

I have written often of this vicious silencing – I only say now it is relentless, and clearly fuelled by the sex trade profiteers.

So, I have chosen to use this blog to attack this silencing – and would welcome any other whistleblower to join me.

I want that those who can to speak to common torturing that is embedded in all forms of prostitution.

This is physical, mental and sexual torturing.

Torture is the destruction of our humanity – cell by cell, lie by lie, beating by beating.

The sex trade will silence this torturing and reframe it into kink, or say it is just work.

But our trauma, our dissociation, our resistance knows they are liars.

Inside our trauma, is the scream of wanting justice, needing our pain to shown and heard, and a deep desire to reach full humanity.

Justice is deeper than changes of laws, deeper than changes in society attitudes – justice is saying we see the trauma and will heard it with an open heart.

I am very exhausted now, but we must speak to the silencing.

Be braver, for like any bully the sex work lobby are only vicious coz they are afraid of our power and our truths.

Published by Rebecca Mott

I am exited prostituted woman who is now an Abolitionist. I am interested in exploring fragmented memory and other parts of living inside trauma. I use my personal as an example of the common violence that is prostitution. This is a huge human rights issue, not a labour issue.

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